Knowledge Suites
The Knowledge Suites is an organized collection of historical information and data. Files are curated to cover related data sets to help companies perform better analysis of market outcomes. Each suite covers a period of one calendar year.
Customized Data
The Customized Data services gives interested parties the flexibility to modify and process the current data available to suit their specific needs.
Data Consolidation
The Data Consolidation services is where large amount of market data, and information is compiled, combined, and stored into a single source and is made to fit the requirements of the interested party. 
Data Subscription Service
The Data Subscription Service delivers market data or information to the server of the user’s computer network in real-time or in a defined schedule through an automated data push process. IEMOP and interested market participants must enter into an agreed contract to avail of this service.
Market Information Databank (MIND)
The MIND is a cloud-based data repository service which allows market participants to download the latest three (3) years market data. The cloud may only be accessed by a nominated authorized representative of a registered direct WESM member trading participant. Currently, the data repository is being managed via IEMOP’s Microsoft OneDrive account.
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