IEMOP is committed on effectively addressing the needs of the stakeholders through continuous improvement of market operations and efficient communication. Through this Central Issues Register (CIR), stakeholders are provided with an integrated and transparent platform for monitoring market operations development requests from submission to resolution.

IEMOP’s Market Operations Development Framework

IEMOP’s market development activities will focus on innovating market operator services for the benefit of the market participants. To achieve market improvement, IEMOP can initiate necessary WESM Rules and Manuals changes to address issues on the following areas:


• Harmonization of market-related policies, regulatory issuances and new laws;
• Enhancements on market operator services including: (a) market registration, (b) forecasting, (c) pricing and scheduling processes,  (d) meter data processing, (e) billing and settlements, (f) management of prudential requirements, (g) monitoring of trading activities in the market, (h) management of market and (i) provision of market data and reports; and
• Efficiency, certainty and clarifications improvements in market processes.

Issues reported to IEMOP that do not fall under the above topics (e.g., pricing methodology, mitigating measures, governance) will be raised to the relevant agency/ies.

Market Operations Development Requests

The CIR is a tracking tool for market operations development requests only. These are suggestions to address topics or areas, associated with IEMOP’s Market Operations Development Framework, affecting market operations processes that may require changes in WESM Rules and Manuals. For other general concerns and inquiries, stakeholders are encouraged to submit them through the IEMOP Online Ticketing System using the following link: The distinction between market operations development requests and general concerns/inquiries is illustrated through examples in Table 1.

Topic Market Operations Development Request General Concern or Inquiry
Market registration Proposal for streamlining of processes and simplification of requirements for registration Inquiries on required documents for registration  
Request for assistance on the use of CRSS
Management of prudential requirements Request for revisions on prudential requirement calculations  
Suggestions for changes in timeline and criteria for the issuance of margin call notice
Issues on the EFT facility  
Delay on the issuance or non-delivery of margin call notification
Meter data processing Suggestions for meter data issuance and processing enhancements Reporting of meter data unavailability, concerns on received meter data

Table 1. Sample market operations development requests and general concerns/inquiries.


Market Operations Development Request Submission

To submit a request to IEMOP to evaluate an issue or issues that may require changes in WESM Rules and Manuals, kindly accomplish the Market Operations Issues Assessment Request Form and send the completed form to

 Market Operations Development Request and Resolution Process

Submissions will undergo IEMOP’s evaluation and conduct of study to identify the most appropriate solution to the concern. During this process, IEMOP will hold consultations with the initiator and other relevant stakeholders to clarify the concern and identify the needs that shall be addressed.

If the solution to the market operations issue is a rules or manual change, IEMOP will initiate the submission of the necessary rules and manuals change proposal to the Rules Change Committee (RCC). The proposed change will be subjected to the rules change process of the Philippine Electricity Market Corporation (PEMC) and approval process of the Department of Energy and the Energy Regulatory Commission (as may be necessary). If the proposal is finally approved, IEMOP will perform the necessary preparations for its implementation.

The issues evaluation and resolution process is illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1. General Overview of the Processing of Market Operations Development Requests

Central Issues Register

The list below provides the list of market operations development requests currently being monitored by IEMOP and its status as of 15 February 2019.