28 September 2020

As of September 25, 2020

Market Participant Region Amount Remarks
Abra Electric Cooperative, Inc. (ABRECO) Luzon  (201,544,259.10) Default
Solar Philippines Tarlac Corporation (SOLARPHTC) Luzon  (45,514,283.79) Default
Panay Electric Company, Inc. (PECO) Visayas  (20,805,729.33) Default
Aklan Electric Cooperative, Inc. (AKELCO) Visayas  (3,670,393.61) Default; payment to be cleared 09.28.2020
Albay Electric Cooperative, Inc. (ALECO) Luzon  (12,845,469.23) Default; payment to be cleared 09.28.2020
Amlan Hydroelectric Power Corporation (AmlanHPC) Visayas  (5,375.00) Default
Bohol Light Company, Inc. (BLCI) Visayas  (4,009,937.37) Default; payment to be cleared 09.28.2020
Clark Electric Distribution Corporation (CEDC) Luzon  (53,415.77) Default
Goodfound Cement Corporation (GCC) Luzon  (383.27) Default
Mactan Electric Company (MECO) Visayas  (28,275,424.68) Default; payment to be cleared 09.28.2020
Mabuhay Energy Corporation  (MECORES) Luzon  (3,281,841.58) Default
Philippine Phosphate Fertilizer Corporation (PHILPHOS) Visayas  (34,733.80) Default
Samar II Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SAMELCO2) Visayas  (5,927,997.74) Default; payment to be cleared 09.28.2020
SPC Island Power Corporation (SIPC) Visayas  (277,115.05) Default; payment to be cleared 09.28.2020
Victorias Milling Company, Inc. (VMC) Visayas  (633,229.04) Default; payment to be cleared 09.28.2020
Waterfront Airport Hotel and Casino, Inc. (WAHC) Visayas  (1,120,009.05) Default; payment to be cleared 09.28.2020
Waterfront Mactan Casino and Hotel, Inc (WAHCRES) Luzon/Visayas  (1,036,501.05) Default; payment to be cleared 09.28.2020
TOTAL  (329,036,098.46)